110學年度第一學期課程: 11/02起依下列措施辦理,並配合指揮中心滾動修正

110學年度第一學期課程: 11/02起依下列措施辦理,並配合指揮中心滾動修正。

1.      配合教育場域防疫措施放寬,課程取消人數限制,全校恢復正常實體上課,仍應維持戴口罩、實聯制、量體溫及環境清消等。

2.      教師授課時可不戴口罩,惟應保持社交距離或有適當阻隔設備(如隔板)、加強麥克風清消。

3.      倘有課程一時難以調整,擬暫時維持線上授課,教師得經開課單位同意後暫時維持線上授課,並安排實體課程銜接事宜。

4.      全學期線上授課要填寫遠距教學計畫書,經系所/院課程委員會通過後檢附會議紀錄及計畫書提送遠距教學委員會審議,並須經校課程委員會及教務會議核備。


1.      All classes in person starting from Nov. 2. DONT require remote teaching/learning due to the removal of attendee restrictions. However, mask wearing, real-name registration, body temperature checking and environmental cleaning and disinfection are still required.

2.      No mask wearing for the Instructors is only under the circumstance of proper social distance or partitions. Microphone cleaning and disinfection is required.

3.      If the way of teaching/learning may not be adjusted immediately, the original way of teaching/learning may be kept temporarily under the permission of the department. The transition to class in person should be planned.

4.      If the Instructors plan to hold online teaching on a semester basis, it is suggested to follow administrative procedures.


資料來源: 教務處課務組