


人工加退選辦理期間110/03/05() 09:00 ~ 110/03/09 () 17:00

辦理程序:登入選課系統、課程加退選、人工加退選課程申請表、列印申請表、任課教師簽章、出納組繳交現金或課務組悠遊卡扣款 100元手續費、申請表須於03/09前送至【課務組】





Dear Students:

Please check your selected courses result at Course Schedule Planning System between Mar. 4th to Mar. 9th . Please make sure every course number is correct and meet your graduation requirement.

If there’s any problem, please submit your form of manually add/drop courses to NCU curriculum division to correct the course before Mar. 9th.

How to do it: Log in NCU Course Schedule Planning System, Add and Drop courses, Print application form to manually update course selection record, Get signature of the course instructor, Pay late processing fee of NT100 to cashier division, Submit the form to curriculum division(3rd floor at administrative building).

When to do it: During Mar. 5th to Mar. 9th , 9a.m. to 5p.m.


After this period, you could only apply for withdrawing course between Apr. 7th to May 21st.

Please be reminded that any application for correcting your course list after May 21st for any reason won’t be accepted.


NCU Curriculum  Division